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Atlas of Thyroid Cytopathology: With Histopathologic Correlations

Demos Medical

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موضوع اصلی علوم پزشکی
موضوع فرعی ایمنی شناسی
نویسنده -- از این نویسنده
ناشر Demos Medical از این ناشر
مترجم -- از این مترجم
نوبت چاپ 1
سال چاپ 2013
شابک 9781933864952
نوع جلد گالينگور
قطع رحلي
وزن 500 گرم
تعداد صفحات 232 صفحه
An excellent teaching and reference atlas that presents a comprehensive, integrated approach to diagnostic thyroid cytopathology. Overall, this atlas is an excellent reference with beautiful images and multidisciplinary correlates that provides comprehensive coverage of thyroid malignancies as well as benign, borderline, and non-neoplastic thyroid pathology.

The Atlas of Thyroid Cytopathology is a generously illustrated and user-friendly volume that serves as a desk reference and a practical guide in the diagnostically challenging area of thyroid cytopathology. The text is comprised of 500 high-resolution color images that thoroughly illustrate the important aspects of the cytopathology of thyroid disease. Complete coverage of thyroid cytopathology is provided in addition to full coverage of non-neoplastic lesions, benign and borderline neoplasms and papillary thyroid carcinoma, chapters include normal cytology, uncommon primary neoplasms, follicular neoplasms, H?rthle cell neoplasms, medullary thyroid carcinomas, and metastatic and secondary cancers. Selected images of the histopathologic characteristics of the lesions are also included for morphologic correlation, making this text attractive to both cytopathologists and surgical pathologists. Nationally recognized experts in thyroid cytopathology and histopathology provide authoritative analysis of every aspect of thyroid cytopathologic analysis.

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