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Blood and Bone Marrow Pathology

انتشارات امیر

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موضوع اصلی علوم پزشکی
موضوع فرعی خون شناسی
نویسنده Anna Porwit از این نویسنده
ناشر انتشارات امیر از این ناشر
مترجم -- از این مترجم
نوبت چاپ 2
سال چاپ 2011
شابک 9780702031472
نوع جلد گالينگور
قطع رحلی
وزن 0 گرم
تعداد صفحات 772 صفحه
Already a standard reference work in the field, the new edition of Blood and Bone Marrow Pathology incorporates the latest WHO classification schemes and the latest ancillary diagnostic techniques in immunohistochemistry and molecular biology in order to provide a comprehensive, well balanced and authoritative guide to the interpretation and diagnosis of neoplastic and non-neoplastic diseases of blood and bone marrow. The text is lavishly illustrated with high quality colour images that demonstrate the relevant pathological,features and immunohistochemical and molecular markers. The text features a well-organized approach that incorporates practical tips and clues to help avoid pitfalls and to ensure optimal diagnosis

The book is lavishly illustrated with high quality color images that demonstrate the relevant pathological features and immunohistochemical and molecular markers. The text features a well-organized approach that incorporates practical tips and clues to help avoid pitfalls and to ensure optimal diagnosis.

Chapters have been totally rewritten and new chapters have been added, especially on myeloid malignancies.

The chapters on hematological malignancies have been written so that the reader can apply the latest WHO Classifications in their routine daily practice (especially the 2008 WHO Classification of Tumors of Hemopoietic and Lymphoid Tissues)

All chapters have been revised to include new aspects of molecular biology and flow cytometry diagnostics.

Many new schematic diagrams and color illustrations have been added to illustrate blood and bone marrow pathology.

Access the full text online and download images via Expert Consult.

Chapters have been totally rewritten and some new chapters have been added especially on myeloid malignancies, in line with the WHO 2008 Classification

All chapters have been revised to include new aspects of molecular biology and updated concerning flow cytometry diagnostics

Greater emphasis on practical diagnostic aspects for all disorders

Brand new editorial and contributing author team.

Full Online text through Expert Consult. Full downloadable Image Bank

Already a standard reference work in the field, the new edition of Blood and Bone Marrow Pathology incorporates the latest WHO classification schemes and the latest ancillary diagnostic techniques in immunohistochemistry and molecular biology in order to provide a comprehensive, well balanced and authoritative guide to the interpretation and diagnosis of neoplastic and non-neoplastic diseases of blood and bone marrow. The text is lavishly illustrated with high quality colour images that demonstrate the relevant pathological,features and immunohistochemical and molecular markers. The text features a well-organized approach that incorporates practical tips and clues to help avoid pitfalls and to ensure optimal diagnosis

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