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Nelson Pediatrics Board Review: Certification and Recertification


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موضوع اصلی علوم پزشکی
موضوع فرعی اطفال
نویسنده Terry Dean , Louis M Bell از این نویسنده
ناشر ELSEVIER از این ناشر
مترجم -- از این مترجم
نوبت چاپ 1
سال چاپ 2019
شابک 9781455759804
نوع جلد گالينگور
قطع رحلی
وزن 1225 گرم
تعداد صفحات 782 صفحه
Review and retain the information you need for success on the boards with Nelson Pediatrics Board Review Certification and Recertification. This highly practical review tool follows the American Board of Pediatrics (ABP) general pediatrics content outline, with topics weighted to correlate with the exam. Must-know information is presented in a way that’s easy to study and remember, and is backed by the Nelson family of references that you know and trust for current, authoritative information in your field.

Equips residents and physicians with an efficient, comprehensive system for study, designed specifically to help you perform at your best on the board exam.

Presents information in a bulleted, high-yield format, with topics matching ABP content guidelines.

Provides a real-world balance of necessary fundamental information and cutting-edge advances – all carefully written and reviewed by editors and contributors from the world renowned Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP).

Features over 600 board-style questions with full, discursive answers online.

Includes reader-friendly features that promote testing success tables that show differences between diagnoses, genetic disorders grouped by key features in phenotypic presentation rather than in alphabetical order, and more – all designed to help you recall key information when taking exams.

Provides online links to the Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics that offer a complete presentation of the content, including evidence-based treatment and management.

Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.

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