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Basic Immunology: Functions and Disorders of the Immune System - Abbas


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موضوع اصلی علوم پزشکی
موضوع فرعی ایمنی شناسی
نویسنده by Abul K. Abbas MBBS and Andrew H. H. Lichtman MD PhD از این نویسنده
ناشر ELSEVIER از این ناشر
مترجم -- از این مترجم
نوبت چاپ 6
سال چاپ 2020
شابک 9781455707072
نوع جلد گالينگور
قطع رحلي
وزن 600 گرم
تعداد صفحات 319 صفحه
Meticulously reviewed and updated for today’s medical students, Basic Immunology, 6th Edition, is a concise text expertly written by the same distinguished author team as the best-selling, comprehensive text, Cellular and Molecular Immunology. This focused, easy-to-understand volume uses full-color illustrations and clinical images, useful tables, and practical features such as Summary Point boxes, end-of-chapter review questions, glossary terms, and clinical cases?all designed to help students master this complex topic in the most efficient, effective

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