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English Result pre-intermediate students’ Book


امتیاز این کتاب

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موضوع اصلی زبان
موضوع فرعی زبان انگلیسی
نویسنده Annie McDonald and Joe McKenna از این نویسنده
ناشر رهنما از این ناشر
نوبت چاپ 1
سال چاپ 1395
شابک 9789651137730
نوع جلد شوميز
قطع رحلی
وزن 220 گرم
تعداد صفحات 160 صفحه

Takes students from how to to can do in every lesson

Learn the language you need and put in into practice immediately with English result

How to lessons provide a clear focus and practical language outcomes

Two-page lessons use a whole page of visuals to motivate learners

Lessons use curiosity, entertainment, personalization, and challenge to keep motivation high

Practical speaking syllabus includes spoken production and spoken interaction

I can tick line in every lesson encourages immediate self-assessment

New Skills pages include authentic texts and BBC audio

English Result multi-media

Student’s DVD with the English Result Student’s Book includes real-world documentary clips and authentic interviews, for self-study and to use in class

iTools digital resources for interactive whiteboards, make English Result even more enjoyable and motivating

Student’s MultiROM with English Result Workbook provides interactive listening, pronunciation, and vocabulary practice

Teacher’s DVD with the English Result Teacher’s Book shows English Result in action in the classroom, plus author commentary

English Result Student’s website for more practice


English Result belongs to the Result super-series-three individual series with common Result values English Result, Business Result , and Exams Result

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