قیمت :
40,000 تومان

A Strangeness in My Mind

Faber & Faber

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موضوع فرعی رمان زبان اصلی
نویسنده Orhan Pamuk از این نویسنده
ناشر Faber & Faber از این ناشر
نوبت چاپ 1
سال چاپ 1396
شابک 9780571276004
نوع جلد گالینگور با قاب چوبی
قطع جیبی
وزن 0 گرم
تعداد صفحات 784 صفحه
Mevlut, an Istanbul street vendor, has spent his whole life selling a local alcoholic drink. It is the 1990s, and although there were once thousands of boza vendors walking the frozen streets of the city, Mevlut now cuts a lonely figure on snowy winter nights. Falling deeply into debt, and desperate to marry off his incompetent son and satisfy his mistress, Mevlut turns to his old friend Ferhat, who collects payments on electric bills. The partners traverse the back streets of middle class neighbourhoods and shantytowns, venture into flats, shops and restaurants of the poor, relishing their power to punish cheaters and collect bribes. The dangers of Instanbuls underbelly eventually catch up with Mevlut, and he is attacked by a pack of dogs, hospitalized, robbed by bandits and beaten and threatened at every turn. Istanbul is exposed as a city with a rich and dynamic underground culture which seeps into its secular business centres and mainstream society. Mevlut serves as a flighty guide, occasionally attuned to the citys nuances, but with a wild imagination and insticts tainted by desperation

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