قیمت :
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A Thousand Splendid Suns

Riverhead Books

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موضوع فرعی رمان زبان اصلی
نویسنده Khaled Hosseini از این نویسنده
ناشر Riverhead Books از این ناشر
نوبت چاپ 2
سال چاپ 1396
شابک 9789651140754
نوع جلد شومیز
قطع رقعی
وزن 0 گرم
تعداد صفحات 432 صفحه
Born a generation apart and with very different ideas about love and family, Mariam and Laila are two women brought jarringly together by war, by loss and by fate. As they endure the ever escalating dangers around them-in their home as well as in the streets of Kabul-they come to form a bond that makes them both sisters and mother-daughter to each other, and that will ultimately alter the course not just of their own lives but of the next generation

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