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The View from Castle Rock

Alice Munro

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نویسنده Alice Munro از این نویسنده
ناشر Alice Munro از این ناشر
نوبت چاپ 1
سال چاپ 1396
شابک 9781400077922
نوع جلد شوميز 
قطع رقعي
وزن 302 گرم
تعداد صفحات 368 صفحه
Alice Munro mines her rich family background, melding it with her own experiences and the transforming power of her brilliant imagination, to create perhaps her most powerful and personal collection yet. A young boy, taken to Edinburghs Castle Rock to look across the sea to America, catches a glimpse of his fathers dream. Scottish immigrants experience love and loss on a journey that leads them to rural Ontario. Wives, mothers, fathers, and children move through uncertainty, ambivalence, and contemplation in these stories of hopes, adversity, and wonder. The View from Castle Rock reveals what is most essential in Munros art her compassionate understanding of ordinary lives

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