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A girl in exile

Vintage Books

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نویسنده Ismail Kadare از این نویسنده
ناشر Vintage Books از این ناشر
نوبت چاپ 1
سال چاپ 1395
شابک 9780099593072
نوع جلد شوميز
قطع رقعی
وزن 161 گرم
تعداد صفحات 192 صفحه
When a girl is found dead with a signed copy of Rudian Stefa’s latest book in her possession, the author finds himself summoned for an interview by the Party Committee. Unable to guess what transgression he has committed Rudian goes fearfully to meet his interrogators. He has never met the girl in question but he remembers signing the book. As the influence of a paranoid regime steals up on him, Rudian finds himself swept along on a surreal quest to discover what really happened to the mysterious girl to whom he wrote the dedication – to Linda B.

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